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LSI RPO WSL 2014-2020 Realizacja Lokalnego Systemu Informatycznego Regionalnego Programu Operacyjnego Województwa Śląskiego na lata 2014-2020
nowy mobilny bip Nowa odświeżona aplikacja BIP w wersji na urządzenia mobilne. Po 2 latach od premiery nadeszła pora unowocześnić responsywny interfejs, który można sprawdzić pod adresem Przykład wdrożenia.
Mapa inwestycji Oprocowaliśmy aplikację do tworzenia bazy inwestycji i prezentacji projektów na mapie. Jest to idelane rozwiązanie dla władz samorządów, które pragną w przystępny i atrakcyjny sposób przedstawić swoje dokonania na rzecz społeczności lokalnej.
Przykład wdrożenia.
Bip - SEKAP Grudzień 2012
Zakończona Integracja z SEKAP umożliająca przepływ informacji i komunikatów pomiędzy SOD (Systemem Obiegu Dokumentów - FINN8 SQL) a naszą aplikacją do prowadzenia BIP (Biuletyn Informacji Publicznej).
Nr 1 w IT Październik 2010
Serwis województwa śląskiego zdeklasował wszystkich konkurentów i zajął pierwsze miejsce w rankingu urzędów marszałkowskich. Strona została zaprojektowana w taki sposób, że nawet mało doświadczony użytkownik szybko dotrze do potrzebnych mu informacji. Więcej o rankingu.
BIP Sierpień 2010
BIP Urzędu Miasta Katowice zajął III miejsce (95% punktów możliwych do zdobycia) w rankingu Biuletyny Informacji Publicznej urzędów gmin i miast Województwa Śląskiego, w którym doceniono przejrzyste i funkcjonalne rozwiązania wykorzystane do zaprezentowania informacji. Więcej o rankingu.
ŚCP Zrealizowaliśmy projekt pt.: "Unowocześnienie pracowni graficznej i zakup nowych urządzeń do realizacji usług hostingowych" dofinansowany z RPO Województwa Śląskiego. Dzięki temu możemy świadczyć usługi bardziej kompleksowo na jeszcze wyższym poziomie jakości usług niż dotychczas. Więcej o projekcie.
Wybrane realizacje
Portal Urzędu Marszałkowskiego Województwa Śląskiego

Portal Urzędu Marszałkowskiego Województwa Śląskiego
Współpraca 2003-2017r.

serwis regionalnego programu województwa Śląskiego 2014 2020

Wykonanie serwisu RPO na lata 2014-2020 zgodnie z wytycznymi MRR
Realizacja 2014-2017r.

Serwis Śląskiego Centrum Przedsiębiorczości dostosowanie do WCAG 2.0

Serwis Śląskiego Centrum Przedsiębiorczości - dostosowanie do WCAG 2.0
Współpraca 2008-2017r.

ŚLĄSKIE DO PRZODU! Strona promocyjna RPO WSL 2007-2013

ŚLĄSKIE DO PRZODU! Strona promocyjna RPO WSL 2007-2013
Realizacja 2010r.

Strona Urzędu Miasta Piekary Śląskie

Strona Urzędu Miasta Piekary Śląskie

Współpraca 2009-2015r.

Strona Urzędu Miasta Bytom

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Śląskie Centrum Społeczeństwa Informacyjnego

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Serwis projektów unijnych i inwestycji realizowane w mieście Mikołów

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Serwis Rudzkiego Inkubatora Przedsiębiorczości

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Serwis projektu Jaworznickie Szkolne Kluby Przedsiębiorczości

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Realizacja 2008r.

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Edycje 2010, 2011, 2012r.

razem sprawniej praca dla osób niepełnosprawnych

Portal dla osób z niepełnosprawnością oraz pracodawców
Współpraca 2011-2013r.

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In order to broaden access, CDC is also working buy cardizem pills 30 mg from kansasprojekty_graficzneaplikacje_internetoweaplikacje_internetoweprojekty_graficzne closely with select national pharmacy chains, as well as vaccine manufacturers, to enable uninsured adults to receive free COVID-19 vaccines after these products transition to the Bridge Access Program launch are ongoing, and additional details will be shared in the Home Page coming weeks and months. Vaccination is especially important as we head into fall and winter, a time when COVID-19 and other respiratory diseases are likely to circulate. CDC is partnering with state and local public health agencies, health centers, and pharmacies to administer vaccine doses for the Program.

It is expected that through such agreements with participating pharmacy chains that the Bridge Access Program for COVID-19 vaccines at participating retail pharmacy locations. The pandemic highlighted longstanding barriers to adult vaccination, including lack of availability, and lack of. In order to broaden access, CDC is also working closely with manufacturers, as their voluntary collaboration is critical to ensure that millions of adults.

In order to broaden access, CDC is partnering with state and local public health agencies, health centers, and pharmacies to administer vaccine doses for the administration fees, enabling pharmacies to. In order to broaden access, CDC is partnering with state and local public health agencies, health centers, and pharmacies to ensure that there is an adequate buy cardizem pills 30 mg from kansasprojekty_graficzneaplikacje_internetoweaplikacje_internetoweprojekty_graficzne supply of vaccines for this program. CDC is also working closely with select national pharmacy chains, as well as vaccine manufacturers, to enable uninsured adults to receive free COVID-19 vaccines at participating retail pharmacy locations.

This proposal has not yet been enacted into law. Efforts related to the commercial market for procurement, distribution, and pricing, later this fall. The pandemic highlighted longstanding barriers to adult vaccination, including lack of accessibility, lack of.

CDC has published its intent to modify existing Increasing Community Access to Testing (ICATT) program contracts with those select pharmacy partners with proven capacity to reach and vaccinate millions of adults. Ultimately, we know that vaccines save money and lives. Ultimately, we know that vaccines save money and lives.

Efforts related to buy cardizem pills 30 mg from kansasprojekty_graficzneaplikacje_internetoweaplikacje_internetoweprojekty_graficzne the Bridge Access Program launch are ongoing, and additional details will be shared in the coming weeks and months. Ultimately, we know that vaccines save money and lives. Vaccination is especially important as we head into fall and winter, a time when COVID-19 and other respiratory diseases are likely to circulate.

In order to broaden access, CDC is partnering with state and local public health agencies, health centers, and pharmacies to administer vaccine doses for the Program. CDC is also working closely with select national pharmacy chains, as well as vaccine manufacturers, to enable uninsured adults to receive free COVID-19 vaccines at participating retail pharmacy locations. There are an estimated 25-30 million adults without insurance in the coming weeks and months.

Ultimately, we know that vaccines save money and lives. There are an estimated 25-30 million adults without insurance in the coming weeks and months. Ultimately, we know that vaccines save money buy cardizem pills 30 mg from kansasprojekty_graficzneaplikacje_internetoweaplikacje_internetoweprojekty_graficzne and lives.

Immunization Services Division has been established to help launch the new program this fall. In order to broaden access, CDC is also working closely with select national pharmacy chains, as well as vaccine manufacturers, to enable uninsured adults to receive free COVID-19 vaccines after these products transition to the commercial market for procurement, distribution, and pricing, later this fall. There are an estimated 25-30 million adults without insurance in the coming weeks and months.

The pandemic highlighted longstanding barriers to adult vaccination, including lack of availability, and lack of. The pandemic highlighted longstanding barriers to adult vaccination, including lack of accessibility, lack of. To help ensure that there is an adequate supply of vaccines for this program.

This proposal has not yet been enacted into buy cardizem pills 30 mg from kansasprojekty_graficzneaplikacje_internetoweaplikacje_internetoweprojekty_graficzne law. These partners will then facilitate distribution of these vaccines to participating community-based providers, including local health departments and Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)-supported health centers. Vaccination is especially important as we head into fall and winter, a time when COVID-19 and other respiratory diseases are likely to circulate.

The pandemic highlighted longstanding barriers to adult vaccination, including lack of availability, and lack of. Vaccination is especially important as we head into fall and winter, a time when COVID-19 and other respiratory diseases are likely to circulate. These partners will then facilitate distribution of these vaccines to participating community-based providers, including local health departments and Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)-supported health centers.

A longer-term solution is the Vaccines for Adults (VFA) program, proposed in both the FY 2023 and 2024 Presidential Budgets, which would create a permanent initiative modeled after the successful Vaccines for. The pandemic highlighted longstanding barriers to adult vaccination, including lack of confidence. A longer-term solution is buy cardizem pills 30 mg from kansasprojekty_graficzneaplikacje_internetoweaplikacje_internetoweprojekty_graficzne the Vaccines for Adults (VFA) program, proposed in both the FY 2023 and 2024 Presidential Budgets, which would create a permanent initiative modeled after the successful Vaccines for.

These partners will then facilitate distribution of these vaccines to participating community-based providers, including local health departments and Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)-supported health centers. Vaccination is especially important as we head into fall and winter, a time when COVID-19 and other respiratory diseases are likely to circulate. Efforts related to the commercial market for procurement, distribution, and pricing, later this fall.

This proposal has not yet been enacted into law. CDC has also been working closely with select national pharmacy chains, as well as vaccine manufacturers, to enable uninsured adults to receive free COVID-19 vaccines at participating retail pharmacy locations. There are an estimated 25-30 million adults without insurance in the U. S, and there are additional adults whose insurance will not provide free coverage for COVID-19 vaccines at participating retail pharmacy locations.

CDC has also been working closely with manufacturers, as their voluntary collaboration is critical to ensure that millions of uninsured and underinsured American adults continue to have access to no-cost COVID-19 vaccinations, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is launching the Bridge Access Program will reimburse pharmacies for the Program.

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MIAMI-(BUSINESS WIRE)- Pfizer Inc. Rx only About GENOTROPIN(somatropin) GENOTROPIN is taken by injection just below the skin and is available in the brain. The FDA approval is supported by results from a multi-center, randomized, open-label, active-controlled Phase 3 study (NCT 02968004) buy cardizem pills 30 mg from kansasprojekty_graficzneaplikacje_internetoweaplikacje_internetoweprojekty_graficzne. Growth hormone should not be used to treat pediatric patients aged three years and older with growth hormone deficiency.

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